The real pursuit of happiness

So much going on around about happiness, its time to try and understand what it actually is, rather than just making it a goal.

Your crush smiled at you, you found some handsome money on the way, you got promoted, you just’ve had a delicious meal, people appreciated you at work, watching a great movie, hanging out with friends, visiting an exotic location, owning the best gadget, off day from work, amazing weather outside, playing or watching your favourite game, getting something for free, getting something extra a same price, just got saved from a disaster! This is happiness, it is not every-time that you can have it, neither should it be your goal.

Sometimes, as a result of what you do or what you get, you become happy, conversely as a result of what you did or what you got you become sad, what is the difference? Both are just our responses to our situations in life, nothing to run behind. Therefore you cannot run behind happiness, same as you do not run behind sadness, they can happen to you.

Just how can you make your natural reaction towards something as your goal!! You will and must react as per your natural tendencies that are very personal and individual, you don’t have the power to control that, your feelings will always call a spade a spade. We are doing a basic mistake of keeping one type of feeling (our naturalistic reaction) above the other, that is a fundamental mistake.

Happiness, boredom, sadness, anxiety or euphoria, everything is a result and not means, and everything is present in this very moment. Our job is to earnestly identify what kind of situations, people or things generates what kind of reactions inside us and chase those situations, people or things to try and achieve those kind of reactions. Running after reactions is the biggest waste of time, it is running after what makes us happy is the real thing instead of running after an empty reaction of happiness which will soon fade away.

Also running after happiness is not the only thing, running after satisfaction is always a better pursuit. If you want happiness and satisfaction all the time, you gotta be doing things and being with select kind of people and owning certain kind of things that shall give you these two priceless gifts of ‘happiness and satisfaction’, any other empty effort is misleading. If you want someone or something, you want only that, don’t look for replacements that shall generate the same feeling, the replacements are bogus and just don’t exist!

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