Importance of being fearless

You cannot enjoy life if you are fearful about future all the time, we have to understand that thinking is a mere illusion projected by our imagination, that holds no reality, and we do so when we are fearful and want to plan for future. A fearless mind lives in the present, trusting the forces that created us in the first place that they shall continue to nurture us, that we all are part of a great plan, and that our well being is the highest pursuit of these life giving forces. Our job is to enjoy every moment of our existence, being thankful and be relaxed and contented. Then we will realise something profound, that just how much the nature around us is supporting us, our job then is to be free of any fear, it really doesn’t make any sense to feel fearful if you pay attention to your life right now, and if you have been paying attention to the kind of support you have been receiving from the very existence day in and out.

In fact we are showing distrust and thus being disrespectful to the very forces that support and nourish us, when we feel fearful, just why do we stop trusting them after receiving so much. The worst part is that when we start feeling fearful, we start displaying worst traits, first of all this fear limits our digestive process, then it starts making the hormones in us that triggers our ‘fight or flight’ response that makes us so anxious and ‘narrowed’ down in life’s perspective, it is absolutely limiting. This fear is what gives rise to the actually dangerous and limiting things such as anger, jealousy and disrupting other people’s work as well. Actually years and years of such behaviour has given rise to religious practices, that absolutely lead astray and seriously limits human talent. Fearful person jumps from ‘exploring’ to ‘believing’ that mindset can acutely limit one from exploring their true potential.

Fear doesn’t help, it is useful to know that, it is ‘our’ own response and hence it is in our control. Life is wonderful, but to take a slice of its unlimited wonders we must at least be fearless. And in my experiences, I think that the best way of becoming fearless is to become thankful towards everything around you and everybody.

A test to find out if you are on a wrong way is to check if we are feeling enmity towards anyone in our thoughts, a fearless mind will have no need to carry any enmity within. Watching our own thoughts is paramount, by understanding a simple fact that our thoughts are there and we can choose to entertain them or reject them, is a sign of a fearless mind. Thinking that every thought is our own is misleading, as our thoughts are designed to give us indication of any possible danger and hence it always projects watchful thoughts, and a learned person will know this and shall be relaxed and be fearless and shall not get triggered in any situation. Fearlessness is a great power to lead a delectable life.

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