
Our First reaction towards others says a lot about the quality of life we are going to lead. By first reaction I mean the way we approach other people’s talk with us, or the way we judge other people. Please double check if this reaction of ours towards others might be causing us discomfort and tension inside of us, the fact that we do not start by trusting others.

We crave for bad news and finding faults in others, we feel secure in knowing negative in others, that something wrong has happened to someone because of their behaviour or ill deeds, this gives us a mental satisfaction that we are better than others and that nothing wrong has happened to us as we are a great human being and we live in an unjust and evil world, there is an inherent need in us to feel this way. But clearly this is a wrong notion, but we enjoy pretending to be hurt and finding satisfaction in just seeking mere existence, an existence that is devoid of trust and seeking help from others and enjoying teamwork.

We have to change this, our first reaction cannot be distrusting other people, we need to start believing in what other people say and believe in. Thinking that we are smarter than others can be really a recipe for leading a constrained and myopic life. Let us stop watching those programs that ask us to look at the world with suspicion, may be crime happens when you start distrusting other people, who knows?

Other people are beautiful souls too, they also mean to lead good life, and we distrusting them shall only bring in friction, between us and them, will it ever lead to anything constructive between both of us? No, only trust and teamwork are useful tools, we eat the fruit of internet, social media entertainment and possibilities of AI only when we have joined hands with others and ‘accepted’ other people’s view-points as well.

Why do we start with distrust? Just accept what other person is saying as the truth, and whats more? the ball will now be in their court. We are a great human beings, only if we consider others as great too! Believing that we know the best and other people are lying is a recipe to a stressed life, let us don’t do this to ourselves.

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