
Our First reaction towards others says a lot about the quality of life we are going to lead. By first reaction I mean the way we approach other people’s talk with us, or the way we judge other people. Please double check if this reaction of ours towards others might be causing us discomfort and tension inside of us, the fact that we do not start by trusting others.

We crave for bad news and finding faults in others, we feel secure in knowing negative in others, that something wrong has happened to someone because of their behaviour or ill deeds, this gives us a mental satisfaction that we are better than others and that nothing wrong has happened to us as we are a great human being and we live in an unjust and evil world, there is an inherent need in us to feel this way. But clearly this is a wrong notion, but we enjoy pretending to be hurt and finding satisfaction in just seeking mere existence, an existence that is devoid of trust and seeking help from others and enjoying teamwork.

We have to change this, our first reaction cannot be distrusting other people, we need to start believing in what other people say and believe in. Thinking that we are smarter than others can be really a recipe for leading a constrained and myopic life. Let us stop watching those programs that ask us to look at the world with suspicion, may be crime happens when you start distrusting other people, who knows?

Other people are beautiful souls too, they also mean to lead good life, and we distrusting them shall only bring in friction, between us and them, will it ever lead to anything constructive between both of us? No, only trust and teamwork are useful tools, we eat the fruit of internet, social media entertainment and possibilities of AI only when we have joined hands with others and ‘accepted’ other people’s view-points as well.

Why do we start with distrust? Just accept what other person is saying as the truth, and whats more? the ball will now be in their court. We are a great human beings, only if we consider others as great too! Believing that we know the best and other people are lying is a recipe to a stressed life, let us don’t do this to ourselves.

Importance of being fearless

You cannot enjoy life if you are fearful about future all the time, we have to understand that thinking is a mere illusion projected by our imagination, that holds no reality, and we do so when we are fearful and want to plan for future. A fearless mind lives in the present, trusting the forces that created us in the first place that they shall continue to nurture us, that we all are part of a great plan, and that our well being is the highest pursuit of these life giving forces. Our job is to enjoy every moment of our existence, being thankful and be relaxed and contented. Then we will realise something profound, that just how much the nature around us is supporting us, our job then is to be free of any fear, it really doesn’t make any sense to feel fearful if you pay attention to your life right now, and if you have been paying attention to the kind of support you have been receiving from the very existence day in and out.

In fact we are showing distrust and thus being disrespectful to the very forces that support and nourish us, when we feel fearful, just why do we stop trusting them after receiving so much. The worst part is that when we start feeling fearful, we start displaying worst traits, first of all this fear limits our digestive process, then it starts making the hormones in us that triggers our ‘fight or flight’ response that makes us so anxious and ‘narrowed’ down in life’s perspective, it is absolutely limiting. This fear is what gives rise to the actually dangerous and limiting things such as anger, jealousy and disrupting other people’s work as well. Actually years and years of such behaviour has given rise to religious practices, that absolutely lead astray and seriously limits human talent. Fearful person jumps from ‘exploring’ to ‘believing’ that mindset can acutely limit one from exploring their true potential.

Fear doesn’t help, it is useful to know that, it is ‘our’ own response and hence it is in our control. Life is wonderful, but to take a slice of its unlimited wonders we must at least be fearless. And in my experiences, I think that the best way of becoming fearless is to become thankful towards everything around you and everybody.

A test to find out if you are on a wrong way is to check if we are feeling enmity towards anyone in our thoughts, a fearless mind will have no need to carry any enmity within. Watching our own thoughts is paramount, by understanding a simple fact that our thoughts are there and we can choose to entertain them or reject them, is a sign of a fearless mind. Thinking that every thought is our own is misleading, as our thoughts are designed to give us indication of any possible danger and hence it always projects watchful thoughts, and a learned person will know this and shall be relaxed and be fearless and shall not get triggered in any situation. Fearlessness is a great power to lead a delectable life.

Identifying the Devil’s advocates

We need to make money by providing some kind of service to others through our hard work in order to survive and enjoy our lives. But some people don’t think so, these are of the devil’s mindset, we need to identify them first and then keep distance from them, as they only mean destruction to themselves and to the people around them.

Life is beautiful and simple if we live by the accepted and constructive rules of fulfilling our responsibilities which are by the way not many, and rest of the time we can relax and enjoy our lives, but then enters the easy money making devil’s ideas which are designed to upset our lives. Identify those around you who think they can make money by some betting, lottery or by investing in risky assets, so this way they shall have lots of money, actually such people are dangerous as they do not believe in the accepted ways of living and believe in shortcuts in life that shall only lead them to failure.

Learn a skill, be regular to your work, do creative things that make your life and life of people around you beautiful and easy, please stay away from consuming liquor, gambling and risky investments, if you value your life even a little.

The shortcut syndrome

Let’s address the elephant in the room, the one syndrome that is responsible for most of the pain an average person has in life, and the worst part is that not much education exists about this, in fact the reverse of this is true, that our societies promote this shortcut syndrome to built businesses around your miseries.

Life is pretty simple and straight forward, to have happiness and contentment is pretty simple and straight forward. We must relax, learn and earn to have a good life, but there is a tendency in us where by looking at others we sometimes want more in life just to improve our life conditions, which is fine, but sometimes the ways that we employ to bring about this improvement is dangerous, we look for shortcuts!

Easy money, instant gratification of our desires, this is a trap, success must come through our hard-work and consistent efforts, but we employ systems for easy money and we end up having stress all the time in our lives. Actually, it is a syndrome that typically tells our brain that our present condition is bad and that we must become restless for a better tomorrow. This is a trap we must win over if we want a healthy mind and lead good life.

If you think you can make instant money, or own something of luxury instantly, remember you are risking your future for it. Any shortcut you try to apply in your life shall only mean stress in present and misery in future, so be ware.

Life is really good right now, be thankful and lead a full life, where when you sit, you feel contented and thankful for what you already have and ditch that FOMO, that ultimately steals your peace of mind. And remember, in life, there are no shortcuts!

Of Hell and Heaven

Heaven and Hell are not names of real places, in fact these names have been given to the ‘Experience’ one has. You cannot go to Heaven you can ‘be’ in Heaven.

I do not claim to have been to Heaven, but I am saying I know the roadmap. Every moment of our life, we are faced with ‘ways’ we must choose in order to exist, some ways lead us to Hell and others lead us to Heaven, usually it is not easy to identify the things that lead us to Heaven, so we lead our lives with pain. But thankfully there are markers, one that can help you figure out the choices that lead you to Heaven.

In our scriptures it is written that by certain ‘ways’ we lead our lives shall take us to Heaven and others lead us to Hell. Actually it is a figure of speech, its not that you will go to some other place called Hell if you choose certain ways, it is that if you choose such ways you will be living in Hell right now! And certainly and thankfully the opposite is also true. Certain choices of yours shall not ‘lead’ you to Heaven, they shall make your life Heaven here itself!

Identify your Hell and Heaven, its not going to be clear, but you are the best judge, typical identifiers are the things that ‘lead’ you to hell are things that fuel your ‘Egotism’, ‘Sexual desire’, ‘Anger’, ‘hollow Pride’ and general things of ‘Lust’. And the identifiers of Heaven are the things that fuel your ‘Passion’, ‘Creativity’, ‘Harmony with people around you’ and ones that fill you with ‘Ease and Satisfaction’.

Ditch the Hell, find your Heaven.

Diu: The Experience

View atop the Khukri Memorial, best place for watching Sun rise or Sun set.

A sleepy island town at the southernmost tip yet politically divided from mainland Gujarat, it became a part of the Indian jurisdiction only after the Goa liberation movement of 1963. There is a charm that starts in the air itself, especially when you are coming here from the long and solitary journey from Ahmedabad, the one that ‘greets’ you by a tiredness-killing view of serene and clean beaches of Diu. The charm is not only limited to the quality of sea breeze filled in air itself, but the architecture here has an old Portuguese flavour, one that narrates the Flâneur a story that though seems forgotten but is alive and happening for those who are willing to listen. When we enter Diu from the Ghoghla beach area, we are welcomed by many resorts and hotels, one that initially gives the idea that this town is more about tourism than any intrinsic character of value.

Colourful structures mark the entire island of Diu.

But it takes time for its architecture, beaches, colourful houses and its museums and churches to grow over you and leave you with an experience that is charming yet one-of-its-kind. It is almost impossible to comprehend that this small piece of island is so different from the main land of Gujarat in its character so much so as it has a whole new story to tell that you have not witnessed in Gujarat.

Back at the Khukri Memorial beach, really memorable and serene!

It has pretty-low key yet vibrant buildings that gracefully carry its character like a middle aged lady who have seen a brutal past, but is now living her life with passion carrying with her, her very own ornaments, one who have also seen golden days but despite becoming antique yet shines with grace and exudes character of their own. No need to mention that this middle aged Diu is as beautiful as she always was, providing comfort and dignity to its users, the most important thing in life, away from glamour she is all for serenity and beauty of a romantic encounter of ocean with land that shouts ‘party’ in capitals.

The colourful houses of Diu, has intrinsic joyful character that marks its presence throughout this beautiful island.
Portuguese embellishments still mark its presence on the walls of Diu fort.
Rocky and Sandy beaches are everywhere in Diu.

Emotions: What are these?

Angry: Grumpy, Frustrated, Annoyed, Defensive, Spiteful, Impatient, Disgusted, Offended, Irritated

Sad: Disappointed, Mournful, Regretful, Depressed, Paralyzed, Pessimistic, Tearful, Dismayed, Disillusioned

Anxious: Afraid, Stressed, Vulnerable, Confused, Bewildered, Skeptical, Worried, Cautious, Nervous

Hurt: Jealous, Betrayed, Isolated, Shocked, Deprived, Victimized, Aggrieved, Tormented, Abandoned

Embarrased: Isolated, Self-conscious, Lonely, Inferior, Guilty, Ashamed, Repugnant, Pathetic, Confused

Happy: Thankful, Trusting, Comfortable, Content, Excited, Relaxed, Relieved, Elated, Confident

Loving: Joyful, Trusting, Admiring, Ecstatic, Euphoric, Jubiliant, Grateful, Blissful, Delighted

If you have any of these emotions at a given time, don’t worry, all of them are good, it makes us Human 😌.

Cheers to our ability to feel !


These days there are serious promotions of debt going on around us, as a society we have failed to keep a check on such nefarious activities, the promoters are serious people who are hungry to eat your peace and satisfaction in life.

These people are everywhere, starting from sports to your investment interests they mask their real face and come to you by aggressive promotions to convince to you to part with your hard earned money.

Earlier there used to be some resistance in the society against Gambling, these days it is almost compulsive for you to participate in gambling, what is worst is that there is no intervention from governments against this, this article is against gambling, but same with liquor, no resistance from government, in fact it seems that the government is hand in hand with the promoters of gambling and is happy making money out of your misery.

Be watchful, be very watchful, it is your character alone in these testing times that shall save from this onslaught by the gambling promoting people. Your life has no value for these promoters, be ware, they promote gambling in more ways than you are aware of and if you get influenced by even 1% by these promotions it will be disastrous to your own life.

Just open up TV to watch your favourite thing, be it sports or a movie , these people will attack you through your favourite sportsperson or movie star soliciting you to participate in gambling. These days gambling has been given acceptable names in the society, and now it is not even called that. Now they say it is a ‘game of skill’ or that it is a ‘smart way of investing’, etc.

The gambling people attack your ‘sweet spots’, they are giving you sweet poison, they advertise that if you gamble, you can own these kind of vehicles and you can live in those kind of houses. Be ware, you will end up losing your hard earned assets if you fall for these sweet poisonous traps, have character, know that these dream selling techniques are poisoning you and nothing else. That is the thing with a trap, it doesn’t seem like one!

Please look at the normal people in the society around, they work hard, take an education with so much hard work, do labour, toil endlessly and do jobs day in and out, just see how hard this all is, if gambling was so rewarding, why would they live menial lives? Wake up, before it is too late, I know it is tough to reject something that produces ‘feel good hormones’ within us when we hear ‘money’, but you have to ignore all this noise of gambling presented before you in more ways than you can save yourself from, but you can do it! My best wishes are with you 👍🏻

In earlier times people were asked to do some kind of prayers in morning and evening, actually it was a way to engage your brain, so that you do not interact with the nefarious people around you and that you limit your interaction with them by engaging yourself with some imaginary God, actually it was a good idea, because these gambling selling people with their dream selling techniques have always been around! Remember do not participate in gambling, EVER!

There is no risk to reward here, only loss. You shall have a great life, if you just identify this poisonous gambling around you by identifying it through the aggressive promotions it is presented through, and do not participate in it.

You become mature, when you start valuing all human life.

Why do we hate other people? Because of some ‘ideas’ in our small heads, it has nothing to do with our survival or other existential necessities. It is simply because of our ideas that are stupid and myopic that we hate a fellow human being.

We all are much much more similar than we are different.

Wars have been fought not because there is dearth of any land with the countries, given the size of the countries that go for war, more land is the last thing on their mind!

We hate other human beings based on the way they look, or what they believe in or which side of an imaginary line they are born in and what different choices they have made for their own living, all this makes no sense at all to hate other people, in life we shall all make one choice or the other, look at the similarities that we have.

It takes some maturity to understand that we cannot hate an another human being just because of the stupid ‘ideas’ that we have stored in our head. There is no external help, there is no other known form of intelligent life yet discovered, only we can help each other, there is no room for hate for our fellow human beings.

Next time you feel like punching someone in the face, beware it is a trap, come out of it, you can do it. 🍀

The highest pursuit.

How do I feel, how do I feel right now? This is one of the most common questions I ask myself, and the answer to this question is immaterial, yes it does not matter whatever the way I am feeling right now, but asking this question brings me back to square one and establishes a connection with my core pursuit in my life. Suddenly I am connected to my soul, how do I feel right now, for it is the ‘Soul’ that feels, the real and unfiltered you.

There is no other pursuit near about this pursuit, the highest pursuit of one’s life; To satisfy one’s soul !

Satisfaction is much much higher than any happiness, success, motivation, money or possessing things.

A satisfied person is the person with zero diseases, a satisfied person is the most respected person in the society, a satisfied person is the one with zero tendencies, a satisfied person is the most beautiful person.

Please do anything, but be satisfied, this word is being passed on as some kind of a failure in today’s world, please do not fall for this, it is not being a failure to be satisfied, but in fact it is the highest state of one’s existence, to be satisfied is to be divine.

It is not a worthwhile life if one’s soul is not satisfied, and in this article i am not at all talking about satisfying one’s bodily needs, no, not at all, I am talking about satisfying one’s soul…….. that’s different!